Treasures on GOD'S Mountain in Pa
Kindness is a reflection of GOD'S LOVE
Friday, April 4, 2014
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Dan Story Blog: Will Pets (and Other Animals) Greet Us in Heaven?
Dan Story Blog: Will Pets (and Other Animals) Greet Us in Heaven?: Part Five: “If God Is Only Concerned about Humans, Why Does He Give Animals So Much Attention in the Bi...
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Friday, January 24, 2014
Sandi Patty vs David Phelps: O Holy Night
CHRISTMAS IS 'NOT' a SEASON, IT IS A PERSON, the 'one & only SON of GOD', BORN of a Virgin, through GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT, to bring the 'Gift' of "TRUE LOVE, MERCY, & SALVATION" to those who will accept HIS GIFT of LOVE and BECOME HIS CHILD !! THIS is CHRISTMAS 'ALL YEAR LONG' !
'HIS DAUGHTER' - Antoinette 'Toni'
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Thursday, November 15, 2012
November 15, 2012
Today is the day the LORD called my mother HOME to be with HIM in HEAVEN, in 1983. It was a beautiful Autmunm day, visiting my mother in St.Joseph's hospital. It was a beautiful Autumn season that yr., with beautiful colorful displays of Maple trees outside the hospital, lining the sidewalk. I will never forget those 'last moments' of her life on earth, as I stood by her hospital bed, holding her hand, as she slipped from earth into a Heavenly eternity !! What a comfort & joy it is, to know we will see our loved one again, if they loved the LORD. GOD'S WORD promises that we will see them again for eternity in Heaven. Psalm 14:2 The LORD looks down from Heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are any who understand & any who 'seek GOD'. PSALM 15 -the Character of Those Who May Dwell with the LORD. Revelation 21: 1 Now I saw a 'new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more. Then I John, saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from GOD, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. verse 4 - And GOD shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be 'no more pain', for the former things have passed away. Verse 5 - Then HE who sat on the Throne said "Behold I make all things new" And HE said to me, "Write for these words are true & faithful". Verses 9 thru 27 of chap. 21 of Revelation speak of the New Jerusalem - the 'new Heaven on earth'.
Autumn is the season of trees shedding their leaves after a beautiful color display, bringing forth the beauty of the winter season. Every living thing on earth dies & leaves at some point in time, but only 'one' never leaves us, that is GOD himself, that is HIS promise to us.
Prayer in the 'Garden of Gethsemane' |
Autumn is the season of trees shedding their leaves after a beautiful color display, bringing forth the beauty of the winter season. Every living thing on earth dies & leaves at some point in time, but only 'one' never leaves us, that is GOD himself, that is HIS promise to us.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
JULY 4 2012
The year 1776 makes this day possible. The signing of "The Declaration of Independence", representation of FREEDOM for the UNITED STATES of America. We have come so far away from realizing 'all' that meant for us as a nation, one nation under GOD.One day in October 1892, twelve million school children first pledged their allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. In 1990, in honor of its' 100 anniv., historian June Swanson wrote the book, "I Pledge Allegiance" for children, so they would understand 'what' they were actually saying in this Pledge. It was published by Carolrhoda Books in Minnesota.
Spiritually, we have been given FREEDOM 4 our Soul, thru the 'shed blood' of Jesus Christ on Calvary's Cross. It is a GIFT that needs to be received thru FAITH in HIM, by GOD'S GRACE & LOVE. Gospel of John 3:16, For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS ONLY Begotten SON that whosoever would believe in HIM, would not perish but have everlasting LIFE. FREEDOM 2 'worship GOD' as we please without harm. We need to PRAY that Freedom is never LOST in the U.S.A.
There are nations today, many in the Middle East, that suffer great persecution for their Faith in Christ JESUS, inhuman suffering, even to the point of Death. Their love 4 CHRIST is sooo strong & faithful, they do not turn away from HIM to Save their own life. HE gave HIS life 4 us, so they are willing to give their life for HIM. That is steadfast FAITH. There are two particular 'organizations' I am familiar with. They are Voice of the Martyrs at , the other is OPEN DOORS at . Open Doors has a daily Prayer Bulletin - bi monthly called "Prayer Force Alert", praying 4 persecuted Christians worldwide. Psalm 17:6 - I call on You, my GOD, for you will answer me.
Another 'freedom' that is available in the USA is to 'visit' whatever your heart desires, to plan your days according to your choosing. God's plans sometimes 'change' the direction of our plans. HE is Sovereign.
All of GOD'S beauty started in a GARDEN, the Garden of Eden. Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane. The beauty of Gardens was GOD'S idea.
We have the 'freedom' to choose even the flowers that we put in our yard. If we truly believe that GOD is the creator of 'all', then we also have the Freedom to worship HIM even as we tend to our Gardens.
FREEDOM doesn't give us the right to do what we please, but to do 'what pleases GOD'.
God's Blessings to you, from HIS treasure A.M.
Friday, June 22, 2012
A long time has passed since my 'last Post' !! We have had 'Fall, Winter, Spring & now the official day of Summer' of 2012. There has been a whole lot of 'LIVIN' goin on in my life. But the 'need' to write continues to be in my SOUL. So whether anyone else is reading this or not, is not a problem, I am writing for the pleasure it brings to my 'soul & spirit'. I am writing to use the gift that GOD has 'given' to me, to use 4 HIS GLORY, as HE CHOOSES.
A 'glorious hot summer day' it was !! I used it to bring 'joy' into the lives of 2 neighbor children, who need lots of LOVIN. I was the receiver of blessing from giving them a special day.
I will call them 'vanilla & chocolate', they are sweet. They are GOD'S CHILDREN, & HE makes our life even SWEETER !!
Have a wonderful summer, knowing that when the SUN shines, the SON of GOD is SHINING also, over you. HE brings brightness into our lives, & takes away the darkness, that keeps HIM from shining in our lives into the lives of others.
Leaving you with a Hymn title, "Turn your eyes upon JESUS'. (Look full in His WONDERFUL FACE, and the things of earth will grown strangely DIM in the LIGHT of HIS glory & grace" the Chorus 4 this hymn.
ISAIAH 26:3 - YOU will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on YOU O LORD, because he or she trusts in YOU.
A 'glorious hot summer day' it was !! I used it to bring 'joy' into the lives of 2 neighbor children, who need lots of LOVIN. I was the receiver of blessing from giving them a special day.
I will call them 'vanilla & chocolate', they are sweet. They are GOD'S CHILDREN, & HE makes our life even SWEETER !!
Have a wonderful summer, knowing that when the SUN shines, the SON of GOD is SHINING also, over you. HE brings brightness into our lives, & takes away the darkness, that keeps HIM from shining in our lives into the lives of others.
Leaving you with a Hymn title, "Turn your eyes upon JESUS'. (Look full in His WONDERFUL FACE, and the things of earth will grown strangely DIM in the LIGHT of HIS glory & grace" the Chorus 4 this hymn.
ISAIAH 26:3 - YOU will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on YOU O LORD, because he or she trusts in YOU.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Leaving Summer behind for the Leaves of Autumn
Time to put behind the heat & humidity of Summer and embrace the cooler Autumn weather. This is my time of year to come 'alive' with energy. I look forward to the coming Thanksgiving season with JOY. Thanksgiving is sooo overlooked in this era that we live in today. Each day, if we would thank the LORD for 10 things, 5 for a starting point, we would be THANKFUL.
In Spring 'our first born child' Anita, & I visited beautiful Bartram's Garden in Phila., PA. Neither of us had ever been there. They are a National Historic Site. It is supposedly America's Oldest Living Botanical Garden. You can visit at In 1728, Quaker farmer - John Bartram, established his botanical garden, where he raised both native & exotic plants. Of aprox. 320 species of plants sent to England by botanists during John's lifetime, the majority were collected and shipped by John and his son William, who shared his father's fascination with nature. Bartram's garden has a 200 yr. old Yellowwood, 'Cladrastis kentukea', standing in front of the National Historic Landmark Bartram House. It is not manicured like LongWood Gardens, it is a Nature Site. The garden also has America's oldest Gingko tree. GOD HIMSELF planted the very FIRST GARDEN, HE is the creator of all Gardens, we are just the 'vessels' that maintain them.
GOD'S Grace & Peace to you,
In Spring 'our first born child' Anita, & I visited beautiful Bartram's Garden in Phila., PA. Neither of us had ever been there. They are a National Historic Site. It is supposedly America's Oldest Living Botanical Garden. You can visit at In 1728, Quaker farmer - John Bartram, established his botanical garden, where he raised both native & exotic plants. Of aprox. 320 species of plants sent to England by botanists during John's lifetime, the majority were collected and shipped by John and his son William, who shared his father's fascination with nature. Bartram's garden has a 200 yr. old Yellowwood, 'Cladrastis kentukea', standing in front of the National Historic Landmark Bartram House. It is not manicured like LongWood Gardens, it is a Nature Site. The garden also has America's oldest Gingko tree. GOD HIMSELF planted the very FIRST GARDEN, HE is the creator of all Gardens, we are just the 'vessels' that maintain them.
GOD'S Grace & Peace to you,
Window of Apple Bldg. overlooking some of Faith Orchard. |
Friday, June 17, 2011
Decoration Day 1946- "my daddy" "my husband & our son" - Father's day 2011
FIRST is my loving husband & my friend. A Happy Father's day tribute to him. My husband Wayne of 50 yrs. - a faithful & loving man - a faithful & loving PopPop to our 6 grandchildren & a faithful loving dad to our 3 'adult' children & their mates. AGE 'does NOT' CHANGE the heart of LOVE. AGE changes our physical bodies, but it does not change our ability to LOVE, PLAY & have FUN !! He was always available & interested in his children & grandchildren's interests- sports music- etc., & he still is !! He is ready to give 'good' counsel-when it is asked for. a Godly man who prays 4 & loves his family. Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart & lean 'not' unto thy own understand, but acknowledge HIM (GOD) in all your ways & HE shall direct your paths.
May 2011 - PopPop with our youngest grandchild-Jacob-soon to be 6 in July.
Next is my 'daddy'.....
My 'daddy' served in Central Europe, his military occupation was "Truck Driver - Heavy 931". He was an MI Rifle Expert and a TSMG-Expert. He was in the thick of the fighting, saw many of his buddies die, drank from his 'desert helmet', shaved, & washed himself, all from the same helmet. He was in the 'Foxholes'.........but GOD brought 'my daddy' back.........I was very fortunate.
WWII was from 1939 to 1945, it killed more people, destroyed more property, disrupted more lives, and prob. had more far-reaching consequences than any other war in history. It brought about the downfall of Western Europe, as the center of world power & led to the rise of the Soviet Union. The development of the atomic bomb during the war opened the nuclear age. About 70 million people served in the Armed Forces of the Allied & Axis nations. About 17 million of them lost their lives. The Soviet Union & China suffered the highest toll of civilian deaths during WWII. About 19 million Soviet civilians & as many as 10 million Chinese civilians died, many of the deaths resulted from famine.-Copied the above from
My 'daddy' left his wife & 8 mo.old baby girl at home to 'help DEFEND the FREEDOM of our country- U.S.A. He was in Gen. Patton's Division. He was stationed in Fort Bliss-TX for awhile. Oversees, he visited Paris, France & other places; when he came back to the USA, he always said, PA. was the most beautiful place he had seen while serving our country. This Memorial Day 2011 & Father's Day 2011,
I 'Toni' say a PRAYER to my 'FATHER IN HEAVEN' that I will see my 'earthly daddy' someday in Heaven.
I'm going to play 'Pretend' , like i did as a little girl, so I am telling you a little about your grandchildren & great grandchildren here on earth, from Wayne & I.
Dear Dad, you have a grandson, from Wayne & I, that you 'never saw', his name is Keith, and he resembles you in his physical features & some of his actions. He is a kind man like you were 'daddy', also. I know you remember your 2 granddaughters Anita & Debbie-as you know, they are all grown up now, with grown children of their own. Wayne & I had our 50th Wedd.Anniv. Dinner at Shady Maple this yr., you would have 'ENJOYED' that place so much, Dad!! You also have 3 great grandsons & 3 great granddaughters, (from Wayne & I) . Dad - still my 'daddy'. I 'love you' and I PRAY I will see you again someday, in HEAVEN. I know you loved to hear Billy Graham & Billy Sunday 'preach'. Billy Sunday was a professional baseball player (as you knew-but I didn't). I read he became a Preacher after his Salvation - Conversion to CHRIST JESUS. You didn't say much about the Lord, when you were on earth, that I can remember, but I 'PRAY' that by GOD'S GRACE you entered into GOD'S HEAVENLY HOME.
dear GOD, I am sooo thankful that 'you' are my Heavenly FATHER. Gospel of Matthew 6:9- "Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be Done, on earth as it is in HEAVEN"
Thursday, April 21, 2011
What is Maundy Thursday?
What is Maundy Thursday?
It is the eve. of the Last Supper JESUS had with HIS DISCIPLES, HE told them to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, then HE proceeded to WASH their FEET. FEET in those days were very dirty from walking in SANDALS.......on DIRT GROUND. THOSE same words to LOVE ONE ANOTHER are 4 US today as well, those who say they are Christians', then we should be following the JESUS path of Discipleship !! Have a Blessed Easter because JESUS 'DIED, & ROSE AGAIN', HE is the world's ONLY LIVING SAVIOR, RAISED from the DEAD.
It is the eve. of the Last Supper JESUS had with HIS DISCIPLES, HE told them to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, then HE proceeded to WASH their FEET. FEET in those days were very dirty from walking in SANDALS.......on DIRT GROUND. THOSE same words to LOVE ONE ANOTHER are 4 US today as well, those who say they are Christians', then we should be following the JESUS path of Discipleship !! Have a Blessed Easter because JESUS 'DIED, & ROSE AGAIN', HE is the world's ONLY LIVING SAVIOR, RAISED from the DEAD.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Today’s Conversation
Today’s Conversation
PRAY 4 JAPAN - Pray Scripture 4 Japan - watch what GOD will do thru prayer, and 'how' HE will 'work' in our hearts to CARE ENOUGH to PRAY !!
From my one of my favorite Devotional bks. - Jesus Calling by Sarah Young......GOD PROMISES HE is taking care of us,, no matter what the circumstances. When we are 'weary' & everything seems to be going, we can still say these 4 words: "I trust you JESUS" When we do this, we release matters into GOD'S CONTROL, and we fall back into the 'security' of the Everlasting Arms of GOD. Deuteronomy 33:27 -(one of the first 5 bks. writen in the Bible, by Moses) " The ETERNAL GOD is our REFUGE, & underneath are HIS EVERLASTING ARMS, HE will thrust out the enemy from before you, and will say "Destroy the ENEMY'.
The Japanese people desperately NEED our prayers at this time & any financial help we can give, IF WE HAVE NOTHING TO GIVE in 'finances', we can PRAY 4 THOSE WHO DO have $ to give. Franklin Graham says, he wants the Japanese people to hear that "Though the mountains be shaken & the hills be removed, YET my Unfailing Love (GOD'S) for YOU will not be shaken", says the LORD, who has compassion on you." (Isaiah 54 : 10 Visit the website : BILLYGRAHAM.ORG to see how GOD is using your 'gifts' to COMFORT the SUFFERING in JAPAN.
GOD IS SENDING US MESSAGES, are we listening Take time to 'listen to HIM', speak little.Take time 4 the impt. matters, for family, for friends, to 'live to make your life count for GOD', GOD/JESUS is our 'best friend', HE waits for us to open our 'heart's door', so HE can fill ALL our NEEDS & FILL us with HIS JOY, in loving & serving others.
PRAY 4 JAPAN - Pray Scripture 4 Japan - watch what GOD will do thru prayer, and 'how' HE will 'work' in our hearts to CARE ENOUGH to PRAY !!
From my one of my favorite Devotional bks. - Jesus Calling by Sarah Young......GOD PROMISES HE is taking care of us,, no matter what the circumstances. When we are 'weary' & everything seems to be going, we can still say these 4 words: "I trust you JESUS" When we do this, we release matters into GOD'S CONTROL, and we fall back into the 'security' of the Everlasting Arms of GOD. Deuteronomy 33:27 -(one of the first 5 bks. writen in the Bible, by Moses) " The ETERNAL GOD is our REFUGE, & underneath are HIS EVERLASTING ARMS, HE will thrust out the enemy from before you, and will say "Destroy the ENEMY'.
The Japanese people desperately NEED our prayers at this time & any financial help we can give, IF WE HAVE NOTHING TO GIVE in 'finances', we can PRAY 4 THOSE WHO DO have $ to give. Franklin Graham says, he wants the Japanese people to hear that "Though the mountains be shaken & the hills be removed, YET my Unfailing Love (GOD'S) for YOU will not be shaken", says the LORD, who has compassion on you." (Isaiah 54 : 10 Visit the website : BILLYGRAHAM.ORG to see how GOD is using your 'gifts' to COMFORT the SUFFERING in JAPAN.
GOD IS SENDING US MESSAGES, are we listening Take time to 'listen to HIM', speak little.Take time 4 the impt. matters, for family, for friends, to 'live to make your life count for GOD', GOD/JESUS is our 'best friend', HE waits for us to open our 'heart's door', so HE can fill ALL our NEEDS & FILL us with HIS JOY, in loving & serving others.
Officially Spring - March 2011
Happy Spring to each of you. I have had a lot of trouble with this BLOG, getting it to open for months. I found out some of the Widgets can really 'slow things up' I got rid of some of those.
So I hope to be able to 'spring forth' with more thoughts, and less delays.
We are at the tail end of March, ready to MARCH right into APRIL.
It seems like it came in with a ROAR, and it might go 'out' with a ROAR !!
Some things I read the last few days, in 'quiet time' with GOD, are as follows: Actor - John Wayne was known for saying "Talk low, talk slow, and don't say too much." That advice is prob. hard for many of us. In Scripture, it says, "A Soft answer turns away wrath" - Prov. `15: 1 meaning it helps greatly to keep away Anger, for 'both' people. So an old saying we used to hear: "BITE your tongue' adding onto that, "before your tongue BITES others.
Even our chickens are enjoying 'free range', to ck. for any bugs, etc., that they haven't tasted all winter ;o) They have the Orchard to explore as they choose.
So I hope to be able to 'spring forth' with more thoughts, and less delays.
We are at the tail end of March, ready to MARCH right into APRIL.
It seems like it came in with a ROAR, and it might go 'out' with a ROAR !!
Some things I read the last few days, in 'quiet time' with GOD, are as follows: Actor - John Wayne was known for saying "Talk low, talk slow, and don't say too much." That advice is prob. hard for many of us. In Scripture, it says, "A Soft answer turns away wrath" - Prov. `15: 1 meaning it helps greatly to keep away Anger, for 'both' people. So an old saying we used to hear: "BITE your tongue' adding onto that, "before your tongue BITES others.
Even our chickens are enjoying 'free range', to ck. for any bugs, etc., that they haven't tasted all winter ;o) They have the Orchard to explore as they choose.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Dec. 2010 thru Feb. 2011
Mid December 2010 was another birthday celebration, the 17th birthday of our 2nd granddaughter.
She was our Christmas gift that year. We have 3 granddaughters & 3 grandsons, they are all GIFTS sent
Someday there is coming another Wedding Celebration with the Lord Jesus Christ, when HE comes for HIS BRIDE, his Born Again Children, HIS 'chosen ones'.......that have 'chosen' to walk with Him & Love HIM. THIS 'WORLD' is 'not' our Final HOME........for the Believer in CHRIST.
May the yr. 2011 bring us 'closer to HIM' & CLOSER to Heaven.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
GOD's Beloved 'One & Only SON'
Some 2,000 yrs. ago.........GOD sent forth his only son as a baby to the world!
This baby was born to 'shed His 'blood' for our Sins, so we would be able to be 'forgiven of all sinfulness'
He was born to a 'humble young Jewish girl, HE was conceived of the Holy Spirit of GOD.
HIS stepfather Joseph was a humle Jewish carpenter. This baby named Jesus was taught by HIS mother Mary & stepfather Joseph.......the scriptures of the Torah, the Jewish bible.
Our 'only son', who was taught the Holy Scriptures, in time, he came to 'truly love the 'Lord GOD'......GOD gave him 'his own family' to love & teach the Scriptures to. Together they built & painted this Nativity Set for us last Christmas. The greatest material gift we ever received, but the greatest 'Spirital gift' was given to us through GOD, His one & only SON, who came to be 'our SALVATION'. This CHRISTmas, believe in this baby to be GOD'S SON sent for your Salvation; become a 'Child of GOD'.
SING the CAROLS with JOY in your heart, GOD doesn't care if U sing with a beautiful voice, HE CARES 'if we SING' with love & worship in our voice & our heart, to HIM !! "OH COME LET US ADORE HIM, CHRIST the LORD", "GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN", "ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD on HIGH", "I HEARD the BELLS on CHRISTMAS DAY", "HARK the HERALD ANGELS SING", " O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM", "SILENT NIGHT-HOLY NIGHT", "O HOLY NIGHT", "JOY to the WORLD", "AWAY IN A MANGER", & "WE WISH YOU a MERRY CHRISTmas"........all of these 'TITLES' tell the CHRISTmas story - in those alone without the rest of the words !!
May each of you have a 'very 'Merry, Blessed, & Holy' CHRISTMAS !! WITHOUT CHRIST , THERE CAN BE 'NO' REAL CHRISTmas.
This baby was born to 'shed His 'blood' for our Sins, so we would be able to be 'forgiven of all sinfulness'
He was born to a 'humble young Jewish girl, HE was conceived of the Holy Spirit of GOD.
HIS stepfather Joseph was a humle Jewish carpenter. This baby named Jesus was taught by HIS mother Mary & stepfather Joseph.......the scriptures of the Torah, the Jewish bible.
Our 'only son', who was taught the Holy Scriptures, in time, he came to 'truly love the 'Lord GOD'......GOD gave him 'his own family' to love & teach the Scriptures to. Together they built & painted this Nativity Set for us last Christmas. The greatest material gift we ever received, but the greatest 'Spirital gift' was given to us through GOD, His one & only SON, who came to be 'our SALVATION'. This CHRISTmas, believe in this baby to be GOD'S SON sent for your Salvation; become a 'Child of GOD'.
SING the CAROLS with JOY in your heart, GOD doesn't care if U sing with a beautiful voice, HE CARES 'if we SING' with love & worship in our voice & our heart, to HIM !! "OH COME LET US ADORE HIM, CHRIST the LORD", "GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN", "ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD on HIGH", "I HEARD the BELLS on CHRISTMAS DAY", "HARK the HERALD ANGELS SING", " O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM", "SILENT NIGHT-HOLY NIGHT", "O HOLY NIGHT", "JOY to the WORLD", "AWAY IN A MANGER", & "WE WISH YOU a MERRY CHRISTmas"........all of these 'TITLES' tell the CHRISTmas story - in those alone without the rest of the words !!
May each of you have a 'very 'Merry, Blessed, & Holy' CHRISTMAS !! WITHOUT CHRIST , THERE CAN BE 'NO' REAL CHRISTmas.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sun. Nov. 14 - a Beautiful day in PA.
Today was a 'beautiful Nov. Sunday' !! Leaves were still on some of the trees, some yrs. they are OFF by Nov. 1, today is Nov. 14th.
Went to church this morning, to fellowship & worship GOD with other Christians. In the aft., after lunch, we decided to take another Sun. ride, while there were still some colored leaves on the trees. We saw some beautiful scenery & bldgs. We saw a barn with HEX signs, several ponds with SUN shining on them, with leaves contrasting on the 'mirror like' pond. The 'SON' of GOD, tells us 'we also' can SHINE in this world for HIM, while looking in a mirror we see a TRUE image of ourself.
We travel 'county roads' on Sun. afts.every Autumn to ENJOY the beauty of this season, which is sooo short lived, before the 'rest period' of winter.True is the saying for us, "there is no place like home". We have all the 'beauty' of Autumn right in our own yard of 4 acres. We have been blessed by GOD with beautiful Maples on GOD'S Mountain. The apples are all picked, the leaves are leaving, we are working inside & outside to do 'all' that needs to be done, before the REST period of winter for GOD'S world of Nature.
Went to church this morning, to fellowship & worship GOD with other Christians. In the aft., after lunch, we decided to take another Sun. ride, while there were still some colored leaves on the trees. We saw some beautiful scenery & bldgs. We saw a barn with HEX signs, several ponds with SUN shining on them, with leaves contrasting on the 'mirror like' pond. The 'SON' of GOD, tells us 'we also' can SHINE in this world for HIM, while looking in a mirror we see a TRUE image of ourself.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Blooming on the shores of the Lake of Galilee
Anemone is one of my favorite Fall flowers, my particular one is an Autumn variety. I read that JESUS might have been referring to the Anemone, when he spoke of the Lillies of the field, cause HE always CHOSE the most familiar object in the daily life of the people to illustrate His teachings. The Anemone grew wild in profusion throughout the Holy Land, in Jesus' time on earth, and continues to do so. Today Anemone coronaria in various forms can be found throughout Israel. Anemone is a bulbous pant that produces showy flowers with 5 to 7 colored blooms on one stem. Mine is a pale pink with a yellow center. Blooms late Aug. into Oct. The Anemone is also called Windflower, & is a member of the buttercup family, which contains about 120 species. These plants are perennial herbs with an underground rootstock. Some types are tubrous-rooted. The plants have deeply cut edges on leaves with a very long - sturdy stem. The 'coronaria' variety is also called the 'poppy anemone'. They prefer light shade.
I seem to like the 'shade plants' more than the ones requiring lots of sun....they last longer, one impt. consideration. My personality & physical body also prefer the shade to direct sun, cause I last longer also in the shade...;o)
Gospel of. Mark chap.4, verses 30 to 32 speakof the 'parable' of theMustard Seed. "To what shall we liken the Kingdom of GOD, or with what Parable, shall we liken it ?" It is like a Mustard Seed, sown in the ground, is smaller than all the seeds on earth. But when it is SOWN, it grows up & becomes greater than all herbs, & shoots out large branches, so that the birds of the air may NEST under its SHADE..
I seem to like the 'shade plants' more than the ones requiring lots of sun....they last longer, one impt. consideration. My personality & physical body also prefer the shade to direct sun, cause I last longer also in the shade...;o)
Gospel of. Mark chap.4, verses 30 to 32 speakof the 'parable' of theMustard Seed. "To what shall we liken the Kingdom of GOD, or with what Parable, shall we liken it ?" It is like a Mustard Seed, sown in the ground, is smaller than all the seeds on earth. But when it is SOWN, it grows up & becomes greater than all herbs, & shoots out large branches, so that the birds of the air may NEST under its SHADE..
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Halloween - Oct. 2010
At the end of Oct., this holiday does 'not' END....
Happy Autumn to you all or Happy Fall, whichever you prefer. We have a gal named Marcia Montenegro at our church this wk., for Missions conference. She was once a professional Astrologer. Since she has 'been there, done that', as we sometimes say, she has much 'knowledge' about the 'spiritual aspect' of Halloween. Her web pg. is = CANA
Some of my favorite things about Fall are the blazing color from 'our Maple trees', also enjoy collecting some acorns....with my youngest grandson. I enjoy greatly the cooler weather, different type of menus for dinner 4 cooler weather, kind that make us gain weight ;o(
and a 'break' from outdoor yard work. ;o) Our youngest grandson is truly a Treasure, that is with us, a few times a wk..Everything else are extra 'treasures' ;o)
When I was a 'child' one of the things I 'imagined' in my thoughts were the cute little squirrels moving into the bottom of the large Oak tree in our driveway. There was a big opening, like a door size, for squirrels, I imagained they had pieces of furniture in various rms. of the tree trunk, just made 4 a squirrel family. But since I am no longer a child, i 'try' to put childish things behind me, but i still have sweet memories of 'my squirrel families living in the big OAK tree, about 4 miles from where I live now. ;o) I love the 'beauty' of TREES ;O), and all GOD'S 'creation'.......I Corinth. 13: 11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became an adult, I put away childish things. But there is still a 'part' of me that 'loves memories' as a child. In Mark 10: v. 13 to 16: speaks of JESUS blessing the little children. Verse 14 says, "let the little children come unto ME (JESUS), & do not forbid them, for of such is the Kingdom of GOD." Verse 15: "Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does 'not' receive the Kingdom of GOD as a little child, will by NO MEANS enter into Heaven."
New King James Version
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
October - Already !!
One of my favorite months of the yr. is October. The crisp air, the beauty of changing leaf color, the smell of apples & cider. Once again, I am 'thankful' to live where we have the 'changing of seasons', makes life interesting !! GOD never changes, and another thing is for certain, there will 'always be CHANGE'. It is 'best' if we can 'adjust & grow' in the changes that GOD allows to come our way.
Remember what it was like to be a child & roll in the leaves ?! Our grandchildren have always loved to come to our home in the Fall, when they were little, to play in all the Leaves ;o)

They all live in modern developments......not many trees, so not many leaves. We have an abundance of leaves in the Fall.The leaves fall off the trees & 'leave us' till next Spring. Children & grandchildren grow up & leave us, as is the cycle of life, but one thing 4 sure, GOD 'NEVER LEAVES US'......& GOD NEVER CHANGES. HIS ways are the same today as they were yesterday, & will be tomorrow. 1 Corinthians 15: v. 50 to 58, speaks of our 'final victory' for the 'child of GOD',in earthly death. V.51 & v. 52 says: Behold, I tell you a mystery: we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be CHANGED, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Just as the tree's leaves die & fall to the ground, so we also as 'mortals' will die & be buried into the ground. But that is 'not' the END. Hebrews 13 speaks of 'Moral Directions". Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. NKJV
Remember what it was like to be a child & roll in the leaves ?! Our grandchildren have always loved to come to our home in the Fall, when they were little, to play in all the Leaves ;o)
They all live in modern developments......not many trees, so not many leaves. We have an abundance of leaves in the Fall.The leaves fall off the trees & 'leave us' till next Spring. Children & grandchildren grow up & leave us, as is the cycle of life, but one thing 4 sure, GOD 'NEVER LEAVES US'......& GOD NEVER CHANGES. HIS ways are the same today as they were yesterday, & will be tomorrow. 1 Corinthians 15: v. 50 to 58, speaks of our 'final victory' for the 'child of GOD',in earthly death. V.51 & v. 52 says: Behold, I tell you a mystery: we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be CHANGED, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Just as the tree's leaves die & fall to the ground, so we also as 'mortals' will die & be buried into the ground. But that is 'not' the END. Hebrews 13 speaks of 'Moral Directions". Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. NKJV
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Apple Season Is HERE Again - 2010
The Apple Barn has been there for about 22 yrs. It was a 'kennel' in previous yrs. for our Siberian Huskies that my husband raced on the East Coast. After about 10 yrs. racing sled dogs with our little son, he left dog racing and started planting an ORCHARD Ministry for God's use.
A blog for the Orchard has been created in July 2010......there are 2 posts on there. If U would like to visit , the url is
Hebrews 13:15 the fruit of our lips will be PRAISE to GOD.
DEUTERONOMY 32:10 - GOD keeps 'HIS Beloved' as the Apple of His eye.
Psalm 17:8 Keep 'me' as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings, O Lord.
(this a prayer of David to GOD)
Winter season - Feb. 2010 - Old Red Delicious Apple Tree, that was the incentive for Faith Orchard Beginning.Proverbs 7:2 Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Fruit at Faith Orchard: Summer & Fall at Faith Orchard - 2010
Fruit at Faith Orchard: Summer & Fall at Faith Orchard - 2010: "Welcome to the 'first post' for the FAITH ORCHARD Blog - for FALL -2010GOD is the reason for this Orchard. That is the 'reason' we have a Bi..."
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
SIMPLIFY is 'simply' not as easy as it may sound. For me, it is hard to take a very creative mind, that always has an idea inside of something to do. The dilema is 'is it from GOD or me', the idea ? So the best I can do, is simply each morning to ask HIM to help me DO what is most impt. to HIM. Below I am posting a pic that speaks of the "detailed' person I am.
Can anyone 'relate' with me, that it is 'simply NOT simple to SIMPLILY ? !
I found this stuffed heart, made out of an old quilt, at one of my favorite Reuzit shoppes. The collection of PINS on this heart is just a FRACTION of the pins I have ;o)
I ejnoy costume jewelry !! No doubt about it ;o)
LUKE 12:34 Where your Treasure is, there your heart will be also.
The 'greatest treasure' I have, is the TREASURE of JESUS in my heart. Because HIS heart is soooo very loving, HE 'chose' to allow me, to have HIM in my heart !! ;o) In April 1973, when HE & I came together, HE then gave my life a 'new start' with a 'new heart' !
II Corinthians 5:17-says; "Therefore, if any man (person) be in CHRIST, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
Psalm 20:4 May GOD give you the desire of your heart, and make all your plans succeed. (that IS 'when' our desires MATCH UP with HIS DESIRES 4 us !! There is sooo many 'promises' in GOD'S WORD, we always need to ask GOD to give us UNDERSTANDING as we read HIS WORD.
Since I 'love' ice cream, I love this quote. Ice Cream lovers, hope U enjoy this as much as I did.
Till next time, remember to enjoy the rest of the summer, day by day, no matter 'how HOT or not hot' !! Life is not to be 'endured' till the season comes that I like, but rather to LIKE what GOD gives ME(us) each day. It is HIS GIFT to ME (us), what we 'do' with the life GOD gives us, is 'our gift' to HIM. (that is a quote I've seen many times, but oh sooo TRUE).
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Sending you some thoughts from my quiet time this morning, quiet time with my BEST FRIEND, JESUS. Below, I am sending u some thoughts from a favorite Devo. bk. of mine, given to me by my dear cousin Nanci. Bk. is called 'JESUS CALLING' here it goes. Do 'not' worry about tomorrow!!! Look at the birds that GOD created--Matthew 6:34. GOD says, This is a command, not a suggestion. I divided time into days and nights, so you wuld have managable portions of life to handle. My GRACE is sufficient 4 U..
read 2 Corinthians 12:9. YOU stagger under a heavy load, which I never intended you to carry. THROW OFF this OPPRESSIVE BURDEN, with one quick thrust of TRUST. ;O) ENJOY my presence continually by trusting ME (JESUS) at ALL times. Lastly 'read' PSALM 62, esp. v.8.
Two hymns that blessed me this morning also, are: "Take TIME to be HOLY" and "To GOD BE the GLORY"
Sending this message to YOU, from GOD, SENDING 'HIS LOVE' to YOU, also. Toni on GOD'S MOUNTAIN
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Did U know, that July 20 1775 was set aside as a day of 'Prayer & Fasting' by John Hancock? John's hope for his country was independence from Great Britain. On July2, 1776, the colonies voted on a resolution declaring the 'Independence'. Two days later, the Declaration of Independence was officially ratified by the Continental Congress, and the United Colonies of America became the United States of America. Earlier, Hancock's Congress invoked the aid of GOD in the moral cause for independence, calling for a 'Day of Public Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer"on July 20,1775, urging the citizens to "confess and bewail our mainfold sins and transgressions, and by a sincere repentance and amendment of life, appease (God's righteous displeasure and through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ, obtain his pardon and forgiveness." Just as GOD commended the faithful of Israel, surely HE has done so for America's forfathers. We are encouraged also to PRAY sincerely and in the same faith-filled spirit of yesterday's leaders for this land and the freedoms 'we' enjoy in this present year of 2010.
Recomended reading from Scripture is Hebrews 11:13 to 16, & verses 32-39.
All of the above was copied from the Presidential Prayer is . It is 'free' to belong to this Organization.
A thought from 'me' (Toni) to ponder, 'Let's think about ways we can BLESS GOD, instead of we asking for GOD'S BLESSING, cause we as a nation of the USA, majority have turned away from GOD, but still expect HIS BLESSINGS, it doesn't work that way. The Created 'NEEDS' to get back to 'WORSHIPING the CREATOR' !!!
I will 'close' this POST using the first & last stanzas of "My Country, Tis of Thee'........
My Country, tis of thee, Swee land of liberty, Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let FREEDOM ring !
Our fathers' GOD, to THEE, author of LIBERTY, to Thee we sing: Long may our land be bright with FREEDOM'S 'holy light', Protect us by Thy might, Great GOD, our KING.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
FATHER - HEAVEN -- Fathers - Earth
ONLY 'ONE' FATHER in Heaven, but many FATHERS on earth !!!Matthew 6:9 - 13 Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our 'daily bread', and forgive our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.
For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
AMEN (King James version)
Gospel of John 3: 35, 36 The Father (GOD) LOVES the SON (JESUS) , and has given all things into His hand. He who believes in the Son has 'everlasting life'; and he who does not believe the Son, shall not see life, but the wrath of GOD abides on him.
(New King James version)
Galatians 3:26 - Ye are all God's children, by believing in CHRIST JESUS.
The Father's heart
bleeds over those who 'do not' believe in HIS SON. To look at a Bleeding Heart flower always reminds me of the Bleeding heart of GOD & JESUS, HIS SON.
IT is the responsibility of the earthly father & grandfather to teach the 'children' about the Heavenly Father, as well as the mothers & grandmothers. Psalm 145:4 One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. (K.J.V.) Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts. (New Living translation)
Ecclesiastes 1:4 - One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. (K.J.V.)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Memorial Day - 2010
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