FIRST is my loving husband & my friend. A Happy Father's day tribute to him. My husband Wayne of 50 yrs. - a faithful & loving man - a faithful & loving PopPop to our 6 grandchildren & a faithful loving dad to our 3 'adult' children & their mates. AGE 'does NOT' CHANGE the heart of LOVE. AGE changes our physical bodies, but it does not change our ability to LOVE, PLAY & have FUN !! He was always available & interested in his children & grandchildren's interests- sports music- etc., & he still is !! He is ready to give 'good' counsel-when it is asked for. a Godly man who prays 4 & loves his family. Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart & lean 'not' unto thy own understand, but acknowledge HIM (GOD) in all your ways & HE shall direct your paths.
May 2011 - PopPop with our youngest grandchild-Jacob-soon to be 6 in July.
Next is my 'daddy'.....
My 'daddy' served in Central Europe, his military occupation was "Truck Driver - Heavy 931". He was an MI Rifle Expert and a TSMG-Expert. He was in the thick of the fighting, saw many of his buddies die, drank from his 'desert helmet', shaved, & washed himself, all from the same helmet. He was in the 'Foxholes'.........but GOD brought 'my daddy' back.........I was very fortunate.
WWII was from 1939 to 1945, it killed more people, destroyed more property, disrupted more lives, and prob. had more far-reaching consequences than any other war in history. It brought about the downfall of Western Europe, as the center of world power & led to the rise of the Soviet Union. The development of the atomic bomb during the war opened the nuclear age. About 70 million people served in the Armed Forces of the Allied & Axis nations. About 17 million of them lost their lives. The Soviet Union & China suffered the highest toll of civilian deaths during WWII. About 19 million Soviet civilians & as many as 10 million Chinese civilians died, many of the deaths resulted from famine.-Copied the above from
My 'daddy' left his wife & 8 mo.old baby girl at home to 'help DEFEND the FREEDOM of our country- U.S.A. He was in Gen. Patton's Division. He was stationed in Fort Bliss-TX for awhile. Oversees, he visited Paris, France & other places; when he came back to the USA, he always said, PA. was the most beautiful place he had seen while serving our country. This Memorial Day 2011 & Father's Day 2011,
I 'Toni' say a PRAYER to my 'FATHER IN HEAVEN' that I will see my 'earthly daddy' someday in Heaven.
I'm going to play 'Pretend' , like i did as a little girl, so I am telling you a little about your grandchildren & great grandchildren here on earth, from Wayne & I.
Dear Dad, you have a grandson, from Wayne & I, that you 'never saw', his name is Keith, and he resembles you in his physical features & some of his actions. He is a kind man like you were 'daddy', also. I know you remember your 2 granddaughters Anita & Debbie-as you know, they are all grown up now, with grown children of their own. Wayne & I had our 50th Wedd.Anniv. Dinner at Shady Maple this yr., you would have 'ENJOYED' that place so much, Dad!! You also have 3 great grandsons & 3 great granddaughters, (from Wayne & I) . Dad - still my 'daddy'. I 'love you' and I PRAY I will see you again someday, in HEAVEN. I know you loved to hear Billy Graham & Billy Sunday 'preach'. Billy Sunday was a professional baseball player (as you knew-but I didn't). I read he became a Preacher after his Salvation - Conversion to CHRIST JESUS. You didn't say much about the Lord, when you were on earth, that I can remember, but I 'PRAY' that by GOD'S GRACE you entered into GOD'S HEAVENLY HOME.
dear GOD, I am sooo thankful that 'you' are my Heavenly FATHER. Gospel of Matthew 6:9- "Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be Done, on earth as it is in HEAVEN"
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