
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

GOD's Beloved 'One & Only SON'

Some 2,000 yrs. ago.........GOD sent forth his only son as a baby to the world!
 This baby was born to 'shed His 'blood' for our Sins, so we would be able to be 'forgiven of all sinfulness'
He was born to a  'humble young Jewish girl, HE was conceived of the Holy Spirit of GOD.

HIS stepfather Joseph was a humle Jewish carpenter. This baby named Jesus  was taught by HIS mother Mary &  stepfather Joseph.......the scriptures of the Torah, the Jewish bible.

Our 'only son', who was taught the Holy Scriptures, in time, he came to 'truly love the 'Lord GOD'......GOD gave him 'his own family' to love & teach the Scriptures to. Together they built & painted  this Nativity Set for us last Christmas. The greatest material gift we ever received, but the greatest 'Spirital gift' was given to us through GOD, His one & only SON, who came to be 'our SALVATION'.  This CHRISTmas, believe in this baby to be GOD'S SON sent for your Salvation; become a 'Child of GOD'.
SING the CAROLS with JOY in your heart, GOD doesn't care if U sing with a beautiful voice, HE CARES 'if we SING' with love  & worship in our voice & our heart, to HIM !!  "OH COME LET US ADORE HIM, CHRIST the LORD", "GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN", "ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD on HIGH", "I HEARD the BELLS on CHRISTMAS DAY",   "HARK the HERALD ANGELS SING", " O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM", "SILENT NIGHT-HOLY NIGHT", "O HOLY NIGHT", "JOY to the WORLD", "AWAY IN A MANGER", & "WE WISH YOU a MERRY CHRISTmas"........all of these 'TITLES' tell the CHRISTmas story - in those alone without the rest of the words !!

May each of you have a 'very 'Merry, Blessed, & Holy' CHRISTMAS !!  WITHOUT CHRIST , THERE CAN BE 'NO' REAL CHRISTmas.

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