the Beauty of a SNOW BLIZZARD on GOD'S MOUNTAIN in PA. Grey & White Junco birds waiting in the 'big Majestic Maple' for a snack to keep their bodies' warm, in the frigid Feb. day...... their is beauty in every season, in every day....cause GOD is the Creator of ALL. A hymn says, 'His Eye is on the Sparrow, & I know HE WATCHES ME'
The 'doorway' to warmth & comfort. Just open the door & U will see........There is another 'doorway' that needs to be opened...that is the 'door' of our heart, to allow CHRIST JESUS to come into our life. Then too, inside of us, will be warmth & comfort, peace & joy.There will be less worry about 'what happens' all around us, cause we will have the assurence of the Savior's watching over us..minute by minute, daily, no matter what the 'storm' around us may be.
Psalm 84-'Dwelling with GOD'
V.4 speaks of a 'sparrow', v. 10-12 speaks of GOD'S LOVING Protection over each human being that LOVES HIM.
To be a 'doorkeeper' in the House of my GOD is BETTER than 'all the RICHES this wicked world has to offer.Today the 'first day' of Lent, or the Easter season.......a visual reminder of the 'Man of Sorrows', JESUS the Crucified One, was 'not in vain'. His love is sooo GREAT, he died that we would have 'life in HIM', HE ROSE AGAIN to be the 'world's only LIVING SAVIOR' !!
LENT comes from the Anglo-Saxon 'lencten', which means 'SPRING', the time of the lengthening of the days. Lent also is a time of 'reflection & self examination' 4 all Christians. Lent lasts 40 days, not counting Sundays. Sundays are 'not' counted because Sun. always celebrates Jesus' victory over SIN & Death. So, all Sundays are 'EASTER or Resurrection Sunday' !!!
The beauty of a delicately woven bird nest, to remind us that all living creation has been created by HIM. UNLESS we are 'born again', we cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD. Gospel of John-ch.3- the New Birth--Jesus & Nicodemus.
In April of 1973, I 'chose' that NEW BIRTH. If U want to know more, U can email me.
Spring will be here in GOD'S TIMING, bursting with 'new life' all around us !!! SMILE, be at PEACE, the 'one' who watches after the Sparrow cares even much more for YOU. MATTHEW 6:25 to 34