SIMPLIFY is 'simply' not as easy as it may sound. For me, it is hard to take a very creative mind, that always has an idea inside of something to do. The dilema is 'is it from GOD or me', the idea ? So the best I can do, is simply each morning to ask HIM to help me DO what is most impt. to HIM. Below I am posting a pic that speaks of the "detailed' person I am.
Can anyone 'relate' with me, that it is 'simply NOT simple to SIMPLILY ? !
I found this stuffed heart, made out of an old quilt, at one of my favorite Reuzit shoppes. The collection of PINS on this heart is just a FRACTION of the pins I have ;o)
I ejnoy costume jewelry !! No doubt about it ;o)
LUKE 12:34 Where your Treasure is, there your heart will be also.
The 'greatest treasure' I have, is the TREASURE of JESUS in my heart. Because HIS heart is soooo very loving, HE 'chose' to allow me, to have HIM in my heart !! ;o) In April 1973, when HE & I came together, HE then gave my life a 'new start' with a 'new heart' !
II Corinthians 5:17-says; "Therefore, if any man (person) be in CHRIST, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
Psalm 20:4 May GOD give you the desire of your heart, and make all your plans succeed. (that IS 'when' our desires MATCH UP with HIS DESIRES 4 us !! There is sooo many 'promises' in GOD'S WORD, we always need to ask GOD to give us UNDERSTANDING as we read HIS WORD.
Since I 'love' ice cream, I love this quote. Ice Cream lovers, hope U enjoy this as much as I did.
Till next time, remember to enjoy the rest of the summer, day by day, no matter 'how HOT or not hot' !! Life is not to be 'endured' till the season comes that I like, but rather to LIKE what GOD gives ME(us) each day. It is HIS GIFT to ME (us), what we 'do' with the life GOD gives us, is 'our gift' to HIM. (that is a quote I've seen many times, but oh sooo TRUE).