Time began in a Garden.. Garden of Eden - Genesis 2:8
SUNDAY aft. at Longwood Gardens
OH, the beauty of Spring.......new life, new creation, all around us, here in PA. The "love of flowers' has followed our family from my grandmother to my mother, to ME (Toni), and to my daughters--Anita & Debbie.
My grandmother Pauline loved 'roses & african violets".........her facial features followed on to my mother, my mother's' facial features followed onto me (Toni), since I am 'now' the older gal in the family.
My grandmother Annie loved 'geraniums, morning glories, & begonias. I've devoloped the 'shape' of all 3 of them since I am older. Now, that I have reached the status of 'senior gal', I am learning to appreciate the beauty of 'older things'. :o) Remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :o)
daughters Debbie on left & Anita on right--"my girls"