It is 'true' that a 'PICTURE' is worth a thousand words, so for the month of Dec., words will be limited
Dec. is the month, Christians celebrate the birth of the CHRIST child, that is all that needs to be said 4 Dec..

Beautiful STAR of BETHLEHEM - SHINE upon us until the glory of dawn. For Jesus is now that STAR divine, Brighter & brighter HE will SHINE. Beautiful STAR of Bethlehem 'shine on' . (stanza #6)
On this 'blog' you will see a CHRISMON tree, showing Christian symbols. The 'evergreen tree' represents the everlasting prescense & everlasting love of GOD, thru CHRIST JESUS, His SON. Also shown is a grandfather & a grandson preparing to bring an 'evergreen' indoors, a baby in a crib, a throne with a crown on the seat, representing the 'return' of CHRIST JESUS again, we don't know when, it could be 2010, but then again, GOD tells us in His Word, we do not know when; we are to 'watch' our lives & be 'ready' for THEN.
Children are an 'expression' of GOD'S LOVE,
May we come into GOD'S PRESENCE, with 'Worship & Praise', for all of our days, he has given us. May our days be used to Glorify Him, in the 'ordinary' of everyday. The ordinary may seem 'small' to us, but to HIM, the ordinary, is 'not small' at ALL !!! Psalm 90:12 - Teach us O Lord to number our days so that we may grow in Wisdom. Psalm 90, a 'prayer of Moses to GOD'.
Our lives are 'not' about US, but about bringing the 'FOCUS' on GOD' !!!
1 comment:
Happy New Year, Toni and Wayne!
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