Let him who is 'without SIN' cast the first stone.....CHRIST JESUS..Gospel of John 8:7
So also GOD works in our 'spirit', gives us 'new life', if we leave the resting period of dormancy to allow GOD to bring New Life in our being......John 3: 1 thru 7, also v. 14 thru 17
the Majestic 'Maple', God's Mountain swing, with grandson #3
The dormancy of winter in PA, in GOD'S timing, brings forth the 'new life' of SRING.........
New Life is needed also in our spiritual lives........II Corinth. 5:17 -- GOD allows us to be made 'new creatures' in CHRIST........for this to happen we need the GOD head/ Trinity.....Father-Son-Holy Spirit,
Want to know more, consult a Christian Bible.......
Thank you, Jodi. Been thinking of you....
Hope all is well.....my forsythia is just starting to bloom......I thought of U & Joan, and the Pussy Willow shrub. I have to ck for the 'fuzzies' on there, this wk.
Toni :o)
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