
Friday, November 20, 2009

Raking leaves on God's Mountain

This is HOW a 4 yr. old likes to RAKE leaves.......

The huge Maple out front gives us 'lots' of leaves on the lawn each Fall. The great abundance of leaves is enough to make a huge 'jumping pile' for kids to enjoy. As far back as I remember, each of our grandchildren 'enjoyed' jumping in those leaf piles, provided by our beautiful Maple. The 'MAPLE' is soooo beautilful, I should have given it a NAME a long time ago. So on this date, Nov.20, I 'name' the 'maple' MAJESTY.
Outside of a church I pass, close by to my home, is a SIGN on their lawn which says; FALL LEAVES us, but JESUS 'NEVER' LEAVES us !!! (how appropriate for this season)
JESUS 'is ' the reason even 4 the Fall season; after much inhumane torture at Calvary, HE 'FELL' to the ground for US,
I came across a wonderful web site today for Nature lovers, it is by someone in the Netherlands.
The web site is
I will leave 'you' with the thought of LEAVES & LEAVING things behind. Some of us need to 'leave behind' our FEARS.
 PROVERBS 9:10 tells us The FEAR of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the HOLY ONE is understanding.
Will leave U also, with the cliche that is soooo TRUE; enjoying life is enjoying the SIMPLE THINGS in life, the beauty all around us that GOD provides !!!
The colored 'text' is for the many colors of the Fall season.....
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving........remembering our many daily Gifts from GOD.
A saying I have seen often is 'you can't CHOOSE your family, but U can CHOOSE your friends'.
Well, in the 'soverienty' of our GOD, who created everything.........I just recently saw a positive family comment'.......It is:
We didn't get to CHOOSE our family, cause they are GOD'S GIFT to us !!!
Families are 'used' of GOD to teach us many things, one of which is, 'how to LOVE'.
Families teach us 'GOD'S' KIND of LOVE..........forgivness, mercy, grace, all the attributes of  GOD.    
My closing thoughts are: NEVER 'leave' GOD, & NEVER 'leave' your family.

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