
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Leaving Summer behind for the Leaves of Autumn

Time to put behind the heat & humidity of Summer and embrace the cooler Autumn weather. This is my time of year to come 'alive' with energy. I look forward to the coming Thanksgiving season with JOY. Thanksgiving is sooo overlooked in this era that we live in today. Each day, if we would thank the LORD for 10 things, 5 for a starting point, we would be THANKFUL.
In Spring 'our first born child' Anita, & I visited beautiful Bartram's Garden in Phila., PA. Neither of us had ever been there. They are a National Historic Site. It is supposedly America's Oldest Living Botanical Garden. You can visit at    In 1728, Quaker farmer - John Bartram, established his botanical garden, where he raised both native & exotic plants. Of aprox. 320 species of plants sent to England by botanists during John's lifetime, the majority were collected and shipped by John and his son William, who shared his father's fascination with nature. Bartram's garden has a 200 yr. old  Yellowwood, 'Cladrastis kentukea', standing in front of the National Historic Landmark Bartram House. It is not manicured like LongWood Gardens, it is a Nature Site. The garden also has America's oldest Gingko tree. GOD HIMSELF planted the very FIRST GARDEN, HE is the creator of all Gardens, we are just the 'vessels' that maintain them.
GOD'S Grace & Peace to you,
Window of Apple Bldg. overlooking some of  Faith Orchard.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Decoration Day 1946- "my daddy" "my husband & our son" - Father's day 2011

May 2011 - PopPop with our youngest grandchild-Jacob-soon to be 6 in July.
 FIRST is my loving husband & my friend. A Happy Father's day tribute to him. My husband Wayne of 50 yrs. - a faithful & loving man - a faithful & loving PopPop to our 6 grandchildren & a faithful loving dad to our  3 'adult' children & their mates. AGE 'does NOT' CHANGE the heart of LOVE. AGE changes our physical bodies, but it does not change our ability to LOVE, PLAY & have FUN !! He was always available & interested in his children & grandchildren's interests- sports music- etc., & he still is !! He is  ready to give 'good' counsel-when it is asked for. a Godly man who prays 4 & loves his family.  Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart & lean 'not' unto thy own understand, but acknowledge HIM (GOD) in all your ways & HE shall direct your paths.
Next is my 'daddy'.....
Samuel R. K. - 1943 WW II -.PFC- USA ARMY - Enlisted Sept. 6, 1943 - Active service started Sept. 27, 1943..He had his 'Honorable Discharge' on Feb. 3, 1946. He was given a Good Conduct Medal, 1 Bronze Star Victory Medal, & 2 other Medals.
My 'daddy' served in Central Europe, his military occupation was "Truck Driver - Heavy 931". He was an MI Rifle Expert and a TSMG-Expert. He was in the thick of the fighting, saw many of his buddies die, drank from his 'desert helmet', shaved, & washed himself, all from the same helmet. He was in the 'Foxholes'.........but GOD brought 'my daddy' back.........I was very fortunate.
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My brother Mike & I standing in front of the War Memorial in St.Michael's Cememtary, after a Parade, after 'our daddy' was HOME. -It used to be called Decoration Day, because people would go to the cemetaries & decorate the grave site, for those who had fought in any W.Wars.
WWII was from 1939 to 1945, it killed more people, destroyed more property, disrupted more lives, and prob. had more far-reaching consequences than any other war in history. It brought about the downfall of Western Europe, as the center of world power & led to the rise of the Soviet Union. The development of the atomic bomb during the war opened the nuclear age. About 70 million people served in the Armed Forces of the Allied & Axis nations. About 17 million of them lost their lives. The Soviet Union & China suffered the highest toll of civilian deaths during WWII. About 19 million Soviet civilians & as many as 10 million Chinese civilians died, many of the deaths resulted from famine.-Copied the above from
My 'daddy' left his wife &  8 mo.old baby girl at home to 'help DEFEND the FREEDOM of our country- U.S.A. He was in Gen. Patton's Division. He was stationed in Fort Bliss-TX for awhile. Oversees, he visited Paris, France & other places; when he came back to the USA, he always said, PA. was the most beautiful place he had seen while serving our country. This Memorial Day 2011 & Father's Day 2011,
I 'Toni' say a PRAYER to my 'FATHER IN HEAVEN' that I will see my 'earthly daddy' someday in Heaven.
I'm going to play 'Pretend' , like i did as a little girl, so I am telling you a little about your grandchildren & great grandchildren here on earth, from Wayne & I.

My Mom & Dad during WW II -1943 or 1944
Toni & Daddy - 1943-I think this photo of you & I - daddy, was taken right before you left for WWII. I'm soo thankful GOD alowed you to come HOME to us.
Dear Dad, you have a grandson, from Wayne & I, that  you 'never saw', his name is Keith, and he resembles you in his physical features & some of his actions. He is a kind man like you were 'daddy', also. I know you remember your 2 granddaughters Anita & Debbie-as you know, they are all grown up now, with grown children of their own. Wayne & I had our 50th Wedd.Anniv. Dinner at Shady Maple this yr., you would have 'ENJOYED'  that place so much, Dad!! You also have 3 great grandsons & 3 great granddaughters, (from Wayne & I) .  Dad - still my 'daddy'. I 'love you' and I PRAY I will see you again someday, in HEAVEN. I know you loved to hear Billy Graham & Billy Sunday 'preach'. Billy Sunday was a professional baseball player (as you knew-but I didn't). I read he became a Preacher after his Salvation - Conversion to CHRIST JESUS. You didn't say much about the Lord, when you were on earth, that I can remember, but I 'PRAY' that by GOD'S GRACE you entered into GOD'S HEAVENLY HOME.
 This is 'our son' with one of his 2 sons'  Happy Father's Day to a wonderful man - our son. He is father to Brianna, Kyle & Jacob.
dear GOD, I am sooo thankful that 'you' are  my Heavenly FATHER.  Gospel of Matthew 6:9- "Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be Done, on earth as it is in HEAVEN"

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What is Maundy Thursday?

What is Maundy Thursday?

It is the eve. of the Last Supper JESUS had with HIS DISCIPLES, HE told them to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, then HE proceeded to WASH their FEET. FEET in those days were very dirty from walking in SANDALS.......on DIRT GROUND. THOSE same words to LOVE ONE ANOTHER are 4 US today as well, those who say they are Christians', then we should be following the JESUS path of Discipleship !! Have a Blessed Easter because JESUS 'DIED, & ROSE AGAIN', HE is the world's ONLY LIVING SAVIOR, RAISED from the DEAD.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Today’s Conversation

Today&#8217;s Conversation

PRAY 4 JAPAN - Pray Scripture 4 Japan - watch what GOD will do thru prayer, and 'how' HE will 'work' in our hearts to CARE ENOUGH to PRAY !!

From my one of my favorite Devotional bks. - Jesus Calling by Sarah Young......GOD PROMISES HE is taking care of us,, no matter what the circumstances. When we are 'weary' & everything seems to be going, we can still say these 4 words: "I trust you JESUS"  When we do this, we release matters into GOD'S CONTROL, and we fall back into the 'security' of the Everlasting Arms of  GOD. Deuteronomy 33:27 -(one of the first 5 bks. writen in the Bible, by Moses)  " The ETERNAL GOD is our REFUGE, & underneath are HIS EVERLASTING ARMS, HE will thrust out the enemy from before you, and will say "Destroy the ENEMY'.
The Japanese people desperately NEED our prayers at this time & any financial help we can give, IF WE HAVE NOTHING TO GIVE in 'finances', we can PRAY 4 THOSE WHO DO have $ to give. Franklin Graham says, he wants the Japanese people to hear that "Though the mountains be shaken & the hills be removed, YET my Unfailing Love (GOD'S) for YOU will not be shaken", says the LORD, who has compassion on you."  (Isaiah 54 : 10 Visit the website :  BILLYGRAHAM.ORG to see how GOD is using your 'gifts' to COMFORT the SUFFERING in JAPAN.
GOD IS SENDING US MESSAGES, are we listening  Take time to 'listen to HIM', speak little.Take time 4 the impt. matters, for family, for friends, to 'live to make your life count for GOD', GOD/JESUS is our 'best friend', HE waits for us to open our 'heart's door', so HE can fill ALL our NEEDS & FILL us with HIS JOY, in loving & serving others.

Officially Spring - March 2011

Happy Spring to each of  you. I have had a lot of  trouble with this BLOG, getting it to open for months. I found out some of the Widgets can really 'slow things up' I got rid of some of those.
So I hope to be able to 'spring forth' with more thoughts, and less delays.
We are at the tail end of  March, ready to MARCH right into APRIL.
It seems like it came in with a ROAR,  and it might go 'out' with a ROAR !!

Some things I read the last few days, in 'quiet time' with GOD, are as follows: Actor - John Wayne was known for saying "Talk low, talk slow, and don't say too much." That advice is prob. hard for many of us.  In Scripture, it says, "A Soft answer turns away wrath" - Prov. `15: 1  meaning it helps greatly to keep away  Anger, for 'both' people. So an old saying we used to hear: "BITE your tongue' adding onto that, "before your tongue BITES others.
Even our chickens are enjoying  'free range', to ck. for any bugs, etc., that they haven't tasted all winter ;o) They have the Orchard to explore as they choose.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dec. 2010 thru Feb. 2011

First Sun. in Dec. 2010, we had our  annual "LADIES S.S. CLASS CHRISTMAS TEA"   to 'HONOR' the Birthday of  our  Lord Jesus Christ, the KING of all KINGS, 'not' another like HIM !!'
Mid December 2010 was another birthday celebration, the 17th birthday of  our  2nd granddaughter.
She was our Christmas gift that year. We have 3 granddaughters & 3 grandsons, they are all GIFTS sent
from GOD to us  

Jan. 2011,  we had another 'Celebration' with Cake, this time was not a birthday, but a Wedding Anniversary, a 50th Wedd. Anniv., something to 'Celebrate' and a Testimony to GOD'S FAITHFULNESS to help us & teach us to 'grow in true love' over the years !! We renewed our Wedding Vows to each other with our Pastor Dave & his wife Mary there. It was a beautiful ceremony & a beautiful family & friend celebration.
Someday there is coming another Wedding Celebration with the Lord Jesus Christ, when HE comes for HIS BRIDE, his Born Again Children, HIS 'chosen ones'.......that have 'chosen' to walk with Him & Love HIM. THIS 'WORLD' is 'not' our Final HOME........for the Believer in CHRIST.
May the yr. 2011 bring us 'closer to HIM'  & CLOSER to Heaven.