
Monday, October 25, 2010

Blooming on the shores of the Lake of Galilee

Anemone is one of my favorite Fall flowers, my particular one is an Autumn variety. I read that JESUS might have been referring to the Anemone, when he spoke of the Lillies of the field, cause HE always CHOSE the most familiar object in  the daily life of the people to illustrate His teachings. The Anemone grew wild in profusion throughout the Holy Land, in Jesus' time on earth, and continues to do so. Today Anemone coronaria in various forms can be found throughout Israel. Anemone is a bulbous pant that produces showy flowers with 5 to 7 colored blooms on one stem. Mine is a pale pink with a yellow center. Blooms late Aug. into Oct. The Anemone is also called Windflower, & is a member of the buttercup family, which contains about 120 species. These plants are perennial herbs with an underground rootstock. Some types are tubrous-rooted. The plants have deeply cut edges on leaves with a very long - sturdy stem. The 'coronaria' variety is also called the 'poppy anemone'. They prefer light shade.
I seem to like the 'shade plants' more than the ones requiring lots of sun....they last longer, one impt. consideration. My personality & physical body also prefer the shade to direct sun, cause I last longer also in the shade...;o)
Gospel of. Mark chap.4, verses 30 to 32 speakof the 'parable' of theMustard Seed. "To what shall we liken the Kingdom of GOD, or with what Parable, shall we liken it ?" It is like a Mustard Seed, sown in the ground, is smaller than all the seeds on earth. But when it is SOWN, it grows up & becomes greater than all herbs, & shoots out large  branches, so that the birds of the air may NEST under its SHADE..