Let him who is 'without SIN' cast the first stone.....CHRIST JESUS..Gospel of John 8:7
John 8:3 The wind blows where it wishes, & U hear the sound of it, but cannot tell 'where' it comes from & 'where' it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit of God. From the 'quiet stillness' of winter, comes the beauty of 'new life' in Spring.
So also GOD works in our 'spirit', gives us 'new life', if we leave the resting period of dormancy to allow GOD to bring New Life in our being......John 3: 1 thru 7, also v. 14 thru 17
the Majestic 'Maple', God's Mountain swing, with grandson #3
grandson # 2 --Gospel John 1:12,13 those who 'believe' in God's SON, can become 'children of GOD', as in our hearts, we come to GOD as a CHILD.
The dormancy of winter in PA, in GOD'S timing, brings forth the 'new life' of SRING.........
New Life is needed also in our spiritual lives........II Corinth. 5:17 -- GOD allows us to be made 'new creatures' in CHRIST........for this to happen we need the GOD head/ Trinity.....Father-Son-Holy Spirit,
Want to know more, consult a Christian Bible.......